Mountain Valley Recovery

Making Recovery A Lifestyle

Transform Your Life

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Our mission is to support young-adult males struggling with addiction on their journey to long-term

recovery. Our approach empowers individuals to discover newfound self-worth and confidence, setting them

on a path to realize their full potential. We achieve this by providing the latest evidence-based clinical

care, enriched with real-life success stories and expertise from professionally licensed staff.

As you learn to live a life free from addiction, you can excel in all your endeavors.

Our Approach

Operating as a fully functional ranch, we specialize in assisting those battling substance abuse to confront their challenges directly and live with integrity. At Mountain Valley Recovery, our approach is to empower individuals to become self-reliant. There's no simple formula, no shortcuts, or quick fixes. Recognizing the uniqueness of each individual, we understand that there's no predetermined timeframe for altering thought patterns. Our program is tailored to meet the specific goals and needs of each person.




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Contact Us

(435) 562-5968

6910 N Cowboy Lane, Holden, Utah 84636